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# Analyse mark-release-recapture data from [Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)]( field experiments <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="132" />
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`sit` is a R-package currently on active development, after a thorough [analysis of requirements](
__Import__ data about _traps_, _release events_ and _field surveys_ into a `sit`
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Then, __query__ the `sit` object for estimates of _competitiveness_,
_dispersal_, _survival_ and _wild-population density_.

![sit outline](man/figures/sit-outline.png)
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Facundo Muñoz committed

## Example

First, you need to load the package.

```{r load-package}

We use some fake data for demonstration purposes. See `?fake_sit`.

1. __Trap data__: set up a `sf` table of points with trap coordinates (see, [`st_as_sf()`](, for instance), identification code, type (see `sit_trap_types()`) and area (`sit`/`control`). Use `sit_traps()` to _import_ into a `sit_traps` object.
    ```{r fake-traps}
    ```{r my-traps}
    my_traps <- sit_traps(fake_traps)

2. __Release events__: releases can be performed from a single _point_ or homogeneously over the sit area. Set up a table with release dates, colour and number of individuals. For __point releases__ include release coordinates and make it a `sf` object. Lacking geographical coordinates, `sit` will interpret it as a __areal release__.

    ```{r fake-rpoints}
    ```{r fake-rareal}
    Use `sit_revents()` to _import_ into `sit_revents` objects and combine different release types into a single `sit_revents` object with `c()`.
    ```{r my-releases}
    my_releases <- c(

3. __Field survey data__: field data are collected at `adult` or `egg` _stages_ of development, depending on the trap type (see `sit_trap_types()`)

    Field data from __adult__ surveys can be imported using `sit_adult_surveys()` from a table such as:

    ```{r fake-adults}
    ```{r my-asurveys}
    my_asurveys <- sit_adult_surveys(fake_adults)

    Field data from __egg__ surveys, include other information such as the _hatching rate_:
    ```{r fake-eggs}
    ```{r my-eggsurveys}
    my_eggsurveys <- sit_egg_surveys(fake_eggs)
4. __Combine__ all the information into a `sit` object using `sit()`:

    my_sit <- sit(
      traps          = my_traps,
      release_events = my_releases,
      adult_surveys  = my_asurveys,
      egg_surveys    = my_eggsurveys
5. __Query__ your `sit` object for estimates of _competitiveness_, _dispersal_, _survival_ and _wild-population density_.
    This toy example requires disabling the `spatial_adjustment` because there are
    too few traps in this unrealistic situation.
    But this is not the case in general.
    See [Retrieving Results](retrieving.html) for details on the spatial adjustment.
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    ```{r queries-competitiveness}
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    ```{r queries-mdt}
    sit_mdt(my_sit, spatial_adjustment = FALSE)
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    ```{r queries-flight_range}
    sit_flight_range(my_sit, spatial_adjustment = FALSE, pool = TRUE)
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    ```{r queries-diffusion}
    sit_diffusion(my_sit, spatial_adjustment = FALSE)

    sit_survival(my_sit, spatial_adjustment = FALSE, pool = TRUE)
    sit_wild_size(my_sit, pool = TRUE)
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## Installation

<!-- You can install the released version of sit from [CRAN]( with: -->

<!-- ``` r -->
<!-- install.packages("sit") -->
<!-- ``` -->

```{r install-r-universe, eval = FALSE}
options(repos = c(
  ciradastre = '',
  CRAN = ''))

This installs binary packages for Windows and MacOS, unless you configured R to install source packages. In such case, see below.

### Linux and source installation

`sit` uses the geospatial libraries GDAL, GEOS and Proj.4, via the R-package [`sf`](

Dependencies for recent versions of Ubuntu (18.04 and later) are available in the official repositories; you can install them with:
```{bash deps-ubuntu, eval = FALSE}
apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y  libudunits2-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev

For Fedora, Arch or source installation in Windows or Mac, please refer to the [installation instructions for `sf`](

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## Getting help online

Bug reports and feature requests should be posted on *GitLab* using
the [*issue*]( system.

For support, reach out in the 
[sit mailing list](
Archives are of public access.

Contributions are welcome via **pull requests**.

Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of
Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to
abide by its terms.