Mysql dump of the MetExplore test database. The name of the database is `metexplore_test`.
The structure of the database :
mysqldump -u root -p --routines --triggers --no-data --databases metexplore_test --default-character-set utf8mb4 > 1-metexplore_test-defs.sql
The data (don't forget to remove all the data that are not listed in the "What does it content?" section below) :
mysqldump -u root -p --no-create-info --skip-triggers --databases metexplore_test --default-character-set utf8mb4 > 2-metexplore_test-data.sql
**MySQL docker container executes script files from /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ folder in the ascending order of file names so the file containing the structure of the database need to start with 1.**
The dump can integrate NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER in the sql_mode variable. It's not compatible with the docker mysql version.
### Remove the first line /*!999999\- enable the sandbox mode */
### Test the docker image to be sure that everything is ok
docker build -t test_db .
And test it using the image `test_db`.
If a mysql instance is already runnning on your computer, change the first number
docker run -d -p3306:3306 --name db test_db
docker exec -it db bash
Look inside the database with phpMyAdmin :
docker run --name phpmyadmin -d --link db:db -e PMA_USER=root -e PMA_PASSWORD=pass -p 8081:80 phpmyadmin
If everything is ok, the bash of the container is launched.
If it fails, check the logs:
docker logs db
## Push the docker image in the registry
The docker image is pushed with gitlab CICD pipeline.
## How to import it ?
You can use the image ``
or build the database from the sql file:
## What does it content?
- Three databaseRefs with 3 BioSources :
- the iaf1260 coli model
- the BioCyc 18.0 coli model
- a small toy model
- Three users:
- admin
- usertest1
- usertest2
# Usual bugs
## default values for dates
To have `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` as the default value for a date, the type of the column must be `datetime` and not `date`.
## No default value for TEXT, BLOB and JSON mode
These types are not allowed to have default versions in this mysql version.
Solution: remove the default values in the table and redo a mysql dump.