>> This is work in progress, contact us if you have any questions
This project is designed to extract entities (i.e., `taxa`, `phenotypes`, `habitats`, `disease names`, `hosts`, `pathogen`, `vector`, `dates` and `geographic names`) from textual data for the purpose of scientific watch.
The project contains a workflow based on Framework [AlvisNLP]( and uses the Ontobiotope Ontology and NCBI taxonomy.
The workflow works on command line (e.g., `GNU bash, version 4.4.x`) with `singularity version 3.4.x`
installed on your computer ([how to install singularity ?](
It is compatible with [`AlvisNLP version 0.7.1`]( provided via [singularity]( images/containers.
Run the following steps to test the workflow,
a test corpus is provided here `corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/`, `16Go` RAM is required to process the test corpus).
git clone
> `login` and `password` are required to pull the AlvisNLP singularity image from forgemia, please contact the maintainer if you don't have permissions.
singularity pull --docker-login alvisnlp.sif
> execute the workflow with the test corpus `corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/`, results are stored into `corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/`
softwares/alvisnlp.sif -J-Xmx32G -verbose -cleanTmp \
-alias input corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/ \
-outputDir corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/ \
-entity ontobiotope resources/BioNLP-OST+EnovFood \
-feat inhibit-syntax inhibit-syntax \
4. See results from `corpus/Xylella/visualisation_html`
*. You may browser the results by using option `-browser`: run the following command, check the logs and goto [http://localhost:8878](http://localhost:8878)
cd pesv-tm/
softwares/alvisnlp.sif -J-Xmx32G -verbose -cleanTmp \
-alias input corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/txt/ \
-outputDir corpus/pesv/Xylella-test/ \
-entity ontobiotope resources/BioNLP-OST+EnovFood \
-feat inhibit-syntax inhibit-syntax \