diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9005f2cc7fc4e65f14ed5518276007c08cf2fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+#  Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+#  before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+#   For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
+#   intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
+# .python-version
+# pipenv
+#   According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+#   However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+#   having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+#   install all needed dependencies.
+# poetry
+#   Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
+#   This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
+#   commonly ignored for libraries.
+#   https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control
+# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
+# Celery stuff
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
+# pytype static type analyzer
+# Cython debug symbols
+# PyCharm
+#  JetBrains specific template is maintainted in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
+#  be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore
+#  and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file.  For a more nuclear
+#  option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
diff --git a/pyotb/__init__.py b/pyotb/__init__.py
index 859867a45abca73d79147a5215757e15200dccba..9a5ddf59e73ce59a828c7edb07d11454061171f9 100644
--- a/pyotb/__init__.py
+++ b/pyotb/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-__version__ = "1.0.2"
-from .core import App, Output, Input, get_nbchannels, get_pixel_type
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__version__ = "1.1"
 from .apps import *
+from .core import App, Output, Input, get_nbchannels, get_pixel_type
 from .functions import *
+from .tools import logger
diff --git a/pyotb/apps.py b/pyotb/apps.py
index 423a5305a3e090030c1229295bd47cf75a44ccb3..c0b7019f00fce3984b6509ab569a50a6dc7ee41d 100644
--- a/pyotb/apps.py
+++ b/pyotb/apps.py
@@ -1,31 +1,88 @@
-import sys
-import subprocess
-from pyotb.core import App, logger
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This is to enable aliases of Apps, i.e. using apps like `pyotb.AppName(...)` instead of `pyotb.App('AppName', ...)`
+Search for OTB (set env if necessary), subclass core.App for each available application
+import os
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from .tools import logger, find_otb, set_gdal_vars
+# Will first call `import otbApplication`, trying to workaround any ImportError
+if not OTB_ROOT:
+    sys.exit("Can't run without OTB. Exiting.")
+# Should not raise ImportError since it was tested in find_otb()
+import otbApplication as otb
-# Currently there is an incompatibility between OTBTF and Tensorflow that causes segfault when OTB is used in a script
-# where tensorflow has been imported.
-# Thus, we run this piece of code in a clean independent `subprocess` that doesn't interact with Tensorflow
-if sys.executable:
-    try:
-        p = subprocess.run([sys.executable, '-c', 'import otbApplication; '
-                                                  'print(otbApplication.Registry.GetAvailableApplications())'],
-                           stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS = eval(p.stdout.decode().strip())
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger.warning('Failed to get the list of applications in an independent process. Trying to get it inside'
-                       'the script scope')
-# In case the previous has failed, we try the "normal" way to get the list of applications
-if not AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS or not isinstance(AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS, (list, tuple)):
-    import otbApplication
-    AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS = otbApplication.Registry.GetAvailableApplications()
-# This is to enable aliases of Apps, i.e. using apps like `pyotb.AppName(...)` instead of `pyotb.App('AppName', ...)`
-    for app_name in AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS:
-        exec(f"""def {app_name}(*args, **kwargs): return App('{app_name}', *args, **kwargs)""")
+def get_available_applications(as_subprocess=False):
+    """
+    Find available OTB applications
+    :param as_subprocess: indicate if function should list available applications using subprocess call
+    :returns: tuple of available applications
+    """
+    app_list = ()
+    if as_subprocess and sys.executable and hasattr(sys, 'ps1'):
+        # Currently there is an incompatibility between OTBTF and Tensorflow that causes segfault
+        # when OTBTF apps are used in a script where tensorflow has already been imported.
+        # See https://github.com/remicres/otbtf/issues/28
+        # Thus, we run this piece of code in a clean independent `subprocess` that doesn't interact with Tensorflow
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        if "PYTHONPATH" not in env:
+            env["PYTHONPATH"] = ""
+        env["PYTHONPATH"] = ":" + str(Path(otb.__file__).parent)
+        env["OTB_LOGGER_LEVEL"] = "CRITICAL"  # in order to supress warnings while listing applications
+        pycmd = "import otbApplication; print(otbApplication.Registry.GetAvailableApplications())"
+        cmd_args = [sys.executable, "-c", pycmd]
+        try:
+            import subprocess
+            params = {"env": env, "stdout": subprocess.PIPE, "stderr": subprocess.PIPE}
+            with subprocess.Popen(cmd_args, **params) as p:
+                logger.debug(f"{' '.join(cmd_args[:-1])} '{pycmd}'")
+                stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+                stdout, stderr = stdout.decode(), stderr.decode()
+                # ast.literal_eval is secure and will raise more handy Exceptions than eval
+                from ast import literal_eval
+                app_list = literal_eval(stdout.strip())
+                assert isinstance(app_list, (tuple, list))
+        except subprocess.SubprocessError:
+            logger.debug("Failed to call subprocess")
+        except (ValueError, SyntaxError, AssertionError):
+            logger.debug("Failed to decode output or convert to tuple :" + f"\nstdout={stdout}\nstderr={stderr}")
+        if not app_list:
+            logger.info("Failed to list applications in an independent process. Falling back to local otb import")
+    if not app_list:
+        app_list = otb.Registry.GetAvailableApplications()
+    if not app_list:
+        logger.warning("Unable to load applications. Set env variable OTB_APPLICATION_PATH then try again")
+        return ()
+    logger.info(f"Successfully loaded {len(app_list)} OTB applications")
+    return app_list
+    otb.Registry.SetApplicationPath(OTB_APPLICATION_PATH)
+AVAILABLE_APPLICATIONS = get_available_applications(as_subprocess=True)
+# First core.py call (within __init__ scope)
+from .core import App
+# This is to enable aliases of Apps, i.e. using apps like `pyotb.AppName(...)` instead of `pyotb.App("AppName", ...)`
+_code_template = """
+class {name}(App):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__('{name}', *args, **kwargs)
+# Here we could customize the template and overwrite special methods depending on application
+    exec(_code_template.format(name=_app))
diff --git a/pyotb/core.py b/pyotb/core.py
index 19b582b8282a43eda9a4bca8f8b855af8d7b92d7..c8c1ec80a8b8211947cef705b38d55e264d49520 100644
--- a/pyotb/core.py
+++ b/pyotb/core.py
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-import otbApplication
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import logging
-import sys
-import os
 from abc import ABC
+from pathlib import Path
 import numpy as np
+import otbApplication as otb
-logger = logging
-logger.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
-                   level=logging.INFO,
-                   datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+logger = logging.getLogger()
 class otbObject(ABC):
@@ -17,28 +15,6 @@ class otbObject(ABC):
     All child of this class must have an `app` attribute that is an OTB application.
-    def __getitem__(self, key):
-        """
-        This function enables 2 things :
-        - access attributes like that : object['any_attribute']
-        - slicing, i.e. selecting ROI/bands. For example, selecting first 3 bands: object[:, :, :3]
-                                                          selecting bands 1, 2 & 5 : object[:, :, [0, 1, 4]]
-                                                          selecting 1000x1000 subset : object[:1000, :1000]
-        """
-        # Accessing string attributes
-        if isinstance(key, str):
-            return self.__dict__.get(key)
-        # Slicing
-        elif not isinstance(key, tuple) or (isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) < 2):
-            raise ValueError('`{}`cannot be interpreted as valid slicing. Slicing should be 2D or 3D.'.format(key))
-        elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2:
-            # adding a 3rd dimension
-            key = key + (slice(None, None, None),)
-        (rows, cols, channels) = key
-        return Slicer(self, rows, cols, channels)
     def shape(self):
@@ -48,18 +24,12 @@ class otbObject(ABC):
         if hasattr(self, 'output_parameter_key'):  # this is for Input, Output, Operation, Slicer
             output_parameter_key = self.output_parameter_key
         else:  # this is for App
-            output_parameter_key = self.get_output_parameters_keys()[0]
+            output_parameter_key = self.output_parameters_keys[0]
         image_size = self.GetImageSize(output_parameter_key)
         image_bands = self.GetImageNbBands(output_parameter_key)
         # TODO: it currently returns (width, height, bands), should we use numpy convention (height, width, bands) ?
         return (*image_size, image_bands)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        """This method is called when the default attribute access fails. We choose to try to access the attribute of
-        self.app. Thus, any method of otbApplication can be used transparently on otbObject objects,
-        e.g. SetParameterOutputImagePixelType() or ExportImage() work"""
-        return getattr(self.app, name)
     def write(self, *args, filename_extension=None, pixel_type=None, is_intermediate=False, **kwargs):
         Write the output
@@ -79,30 +49,29 @@ class otbObject(ABC):
         # Gather all input arguments in kwargs dict
-        if args:
-            for arg in args:
-                if isinstance(arg, dict):
-                    kwargs.update(arg)
-                elif isinstance(arg, str) and kwargs:
-                    logger.warning('Keyword arguments specified, ignoring argument: {}'.format(arg))
-                elif isinstance(arg, str):
-                    if hasattr(self, 'output_parameter_key'):  # this is for Output, Operation
-                        output_parameter_key = self.output_parameter_key
-                    else:  # this is for App
-                        output_parameter_key = self.get_output_parameters_keys()[0]
-                    kwargs.update({output_parameter_key: arg})
+        for arg in args:
+            if isinstance(arg, dict):
+                kwargs.update(arg)
+            elif isinstance(arg, str) and kwargs:
+                logger.warning(f'{self.name}: Keyword arguments specified, ignoring argument "{arg}"')
+            elif isinstance(arg, str):
+                if hasattr(self, 'output_parameter_key'):  # this is for Output, Operation
+                    output_parameter_key = self.output_parameter_key
+                else:  # this is for App
+                    output_parameter_key = self.output_parameters_keys[0]
+                kwargs.update({output_parameter_key: arg})
         # Handling pixel types
         pixel_types = {}
         if isinstance(pixel_type, str):  # this correspond to 'uint8' etc...
-            pixel_type = getattr(otbApplication, 'ImagePixelType_{}'.format(pixel_type))
+            pixel_type = getattr(otb, f'ImagePixelType_{pixel_type}')
             pixel_types = {param_key: pixel_type for param_key in kwargs}
         elif isinstance(pixel_type, int):  # this corresponds to ImagePixelType_...
             pixel_types = {param_key: pixel_type for param_key in kwargs}
         elif isinstance(pixel_type, dict):  # this is to specify a different pixel type for each output
             for key, this_pixel_type in pixel_type.items():
                 if isinstance(this_pixel_type, str):
-                    this_pixel_type = getattr(otbApplication, 'ImagePixelType_{}'.format(this_pixel_type))
+                    this_pixel_type = getattr(otb, f'ImagePixelType_{this_pixel_type}')
                 if isinstance(this_pixel_type, int):
                     pixel_types[key] = this_pixel_type
@@ -117,8 +86,8 @@ class otbObject(ABC):
                     if not out_fn.endswith('?'):
                         out_fn += "?"
                     out_fn += filename_extension
-                    logger.info("Using extended filename for output.")
-                logger.info("Write output for \"{}\" in {}".format(output_parameter_key, out_fn))
+                    logger.info(f'{self.name}: Using extended filename for output.')
+                logger.debug(f'{self.name}: write output file "{output_parameter_key}" to {out_fn}')
                 self.app.SetParameterString(output_parameter_key, out_fn)
                 if output_parameter_key in pixel_types:
@@ -127,6 +96,36 @@ class otbObject(ABC):
             self.app.Execute()  # this is just to be able to use the object in in-memory pipelines without problems
+    # Special methods
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        """
+        This function enables 2 things :
+        - access attributes like that : object['any_attribute']
+        - slicing, i.e. selecting ROI/bands. For example, selecting first 3 bands: object[:, :, :3]
+                                                          selecting bands 1, 2 & 5 : object[:, :, [0, 1, 4]]
+                                                          selecting 1000x1000 subset : object[:1000, :1000]
+        """
+        # Accessing string attributes
+        if isinstance(key, str):
+            return self.__dict__.get(key)
+        # Slicing
+        elif not isinstance(key, tuple) or (isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) < 2):
+            raise ValueError('`{}`cannot be interpreted as valid slicing. Slicing should be 2D or 3D.'.format(key))
+        elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2:
+            # adding a 3rd dimension
+            key = key + (slice(None, None, None),)
+        (rows, cols, channels) = key
+        return Slicer(self, rows, cols, channels)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """
+        This method is called when the default attribute access fails. We choose to try to access the attribute of
+        self.app. Thus, any method of otbApplication can be used transparently on otbObject objects,
+        e.g. SetParameterOutputImagePixelType() or ExportImage() work
+        """
+        return getattr(self.app, name)
     def __add__(self, other):
         """Overrides the default addition and flavours it with BandMathX"""
         if isinstance(other, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
@@ -323,8 +322,7 @@ class Slicer(otbObject):
             elif isinstance(channels, tuple):
                 channels = list(channels)
             elif not isinstance(channels, list):
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Invalid type for channels, should be int, slice or list of bands. : {}'.format(channels))
+                raise ValueError(f'Invalid type for channels, should be int, slice or list of bands. : {channels}')
             # Change the potential negative index values to reverse index
             channels = [c if c >= 0 else nb_channels + c for c in channels]
@@ -362,7 +360,6 @@ class Input(otbObject):
     Class for transforming a filepath to pyOTB object
     def __init__(self, filepath):
         self.app = App('ExtractROI', filepath).app
         self.output_parameter_key = 'out'
@@ -376,7 +373,6 @@ class Output(otbObject):
     Class for output of an app
     def __init__(self, app, output_parameter_key):
         self.app = app  # keeping a reference of the app
         self.output_parameter_key = output_parameter_key
@@ -385,12 +381,34 @@ class Output(otbObject):
         return '<pyotb.Output {} object, id {}>'.format(self.app.GetName(), id(self))
 class App(otbObject):
     Class of an OTB app
+    _name = ""
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        """Property to store a custom app name that will be displayed in logs"""
+        return self._name or self.appname
+    @name.setter
+    def name(self, val):
+        self._name = val
-    def __init__(self, appname, *args, execute=True, image_dic=None, **kwargs):
+    @property
+    def finished(self):
+        """Property to store whether or not App has been executed"""
+        if self._finished and self.find_output():
+            return True
+        return False
+    @finished.setter
+    def finished(self, val):
+        # This will only store if app has been excuted, then find_output() is called when accessing the property
+        self._finished = val
+    def __init__(self, appname, *args, execute=True, image_dic=None, otb_stdout=True, **kwargs):
         Enables to run an otb app as a oneliner. Handles in-memory connection between apps
         :param appname: name of the app, e.g. 'Smoothing'
@@ -407,20 +425,82 @@ class App(otbObject):
         :param kwargs: keyword arguments e.g. il=['input1.tif', App_object2, App_object3.out], out='output.tif'
         self.appname = appname
-        self.app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication(appname)
+        if otb_stdout:
+            self.app = otb.Registry.CreateApplication(appname)
+        else:
+            self.app = otb.Registry.CreateApplicationWithoutLogger(appname)
+        self.image_dic = image_dic
+        self._finished = False
+        # Parameters
+        self.parameters = {}
         self.output_parameters_keys = self.get_output_parameters_keys()
-        self.set_parameters(*args, **kwargs)
+        if args or kwargs:
+            self.set_parameters(*args, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            logger.warning(f"{self.name}: No parameters where provided. Use App.set_parameters() then App.execute()")
+            execute = False
+        # Run app, write output if needed, update `finished` property
         if execute:
-            self.app.Execute()
-        if image_dic:
-            self.image_dic = image_dic
+            self.execute()
         # 'Saving' outputs as attributes, i.e. so that they can be accessed like that: App.out
         # Also, thanks to __getitem__ method, the outputs can be accessed as App["out"]. This is useful when the key
         # contains reserved characters such as a point eg "io.out"
-        for output_param_key in self.output_parameters_keys:
-            output = Output(self.app, output_param_key)
-            setattr(self, output_param_key, output)
+        for key in self.output_parameters_keys:
+            output = Output(self.app, key)
+            setattr(self, key, output)
+    def execute(self):
+        """
+        Execute with appropriate App method and outputs to disk if needed"
+        :return: boolean flag that indicate if command executed with success
+        """
+        logger.debug(f"{self.name}: run execute() with parameters={self.parameters}")
+        try:
+            if self.__with_output():
+                self.app.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
+            self.app.Execute()
+            self.finished = True
+        except (RuntimeError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
+            raise Exception(f'{self.name}: error during during app execution') from e
+        logger.debug(f"{self.name}: execution succeeded")
+        return self.finished
+    def find_output(self):
+        """
+        Find output files in directory using parameters
+        :return: list of files found on disk
+        """
+        if not self.__with_output():
+            return
+        files = []
+        missing = []
+        for param in self.output_parameters_keys:
+            filename = self.parameters[param]
+            if Path(filename).exists():
+                files.append(filename)
+            else:
+                missing.append(filename)
+        if missing:
+            for filename in missing:
+                logger.error(f"{self.name}: execution seems to have failed, {filename} does not exist")
+                #raise FileNotFoundError(filename)
+        return files
+    def clear(self, parameters=True, memory=False):
+        """
+        Free ressources and reset App state
+        :param parameters: to clear settings dictionnary
+        :param memory: to free app ressources in memory
+        """
+        if parameters:
+            for p in self.parameters:
+                self.app.ClearValue(p)
+        if memory:
+            self.app.FreeRessources()
+    def get_output_parameters_keys(self):
+        return [param for param in self.app.GetParametersKeys()
+                if self.app.GetParameterType(param) == otb.ParameterType_OutputImage]
     def set_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -431,86 +511,100 @@ class App(otbObject):
                               - string, App or Output, useful when the user implicitly wants to set the param "in"
                               - list, useful when the user implicitly wants to set the param "il"
         :param kwargs: keyword arguments e.g. il=['input1.tif', oApp_object2, App_object3.out], out='output.tif'
-        :return:
+        :return: boolean flag that indicate if app was correctly set using given parameters
-        if args:
-            for arg in args:
-                if isinstance(arg, dict):
-                    kwargs.update(arg)
-                elif isinstance(arg, (str, App, Output, Input, Operation)):
-                    kwargs.update({'in': arg})
-                elif isinstance(arg, list):
-                    kwargs.update({'il': arg})
+        self.parameters.update(self.__parse_args(args))
+        self.parameters.update(kwargs)
         # Going through all arguments
-        for k, v in kwargs.items():
+        for param, obj in self.parameters.items():
+            if param not in self.app.GetParametersKeys():
+                raise Exception(f"{self.name}: parameter '{param}' was not recognized. "
+                                f"Available keys are {self.app.GetParametersKeys()}")
             # When the parameter expects a list, if needed, change the value to list
-            if self.is_key_list(k) and not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
-                v = [v]
-            # Single-parameter cases
-            if isinstance(v, App):
-                self.app.ConnectImage(k, v.app, v.output_parameters_keys[0])
-            elif isinstance(v, (Output, Input, Operation)):
-                self.app.ConnectImage(k, v.app, v.output_parameter_key)
-            elif isinstance(v, otbApplication.Application):
-                outparamkey = [param for param in v.GetParametersKeys()
-                               if v.GetParameterType(param) == otbApplication.ParameterType_OutputImage][0]
-                self.app.ConnectImage(k, v, outparamkey)
-            elif k == 'ram':  # SetParameterValue in OTB<7.4 doesn't work for ram parameter cf gitlab OTB issue 2200
-                self.app.SetParameterInt('ram', int(v))
-            elif not isinstance(v, list):  # any other parameters (str, int...)
-                self.app.SetParameterValue(k, v)
-            # Parameter list cases
-            else:
-                # Images list
-                if self.is_key_images_list(k):
-                    # To enable possible in-memory connections, we go through the list and set the parameters one by one
-                    for input in v:
-                        print(input)
-                        if isinstance(input, App):
-                            self.app.ConnectImage(k, input.app, input.output_parameters_keys[0])
-                        elif isinstance(input, (Output, Input, Operation, Slicer)):
-                            self.app.ConnectImage(k, input.app, input.output_parameter_key)
-                        elif isinstance(input, otbApplication.Application):  # this is for backward comp with plain OTB
-                            outparamkey = [param for param in input.GetParametersKeys() if
-                                           input.GetParameterType(param) == otbApplication.ParameterType_OutputImage][0]
-                            self.app.ConnectImage(k, input, outparamkey)
-                        else:  # here `input` should be an image filepath
-                            # Append `input` to the list, do not overwrite any previously set element of the image list
-                            self.app.AddParameterStringList(k, input)
-                # List of any other types (str, int...)
-                else:
-                    self.app.SetParameterValue(k, v)
-        # Writing outputs to disk if needed
-        if any([output_param_key in kwargs for output_param_key in self.output_parameters_keys]):
-            self.app.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
-            self.app.Execute()  # this is just to be able to use the object in in-memory pipelines without problems
-    def get_output_parameters_keys(self):
-        """
-        :return: list of output parameters keys, e.g ['out']
-        """
-        output_param_keys = [param for param in self.app.GetParametersKeys()
-                             if self.app.GetParameterType(param) == otbApplication.ParameterType_OutputImage]
-        return output_param_keys
-    def is_key_list(self, key):
-        return ((self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_InputImageList) or
-                (self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_StringList) or
-                (self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_InputFilenameList) or
-                (self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_InputVectorDataList) or
-                (self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_ListView))
-    def is_key_images_list(self, key):
-        return ((self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_InputImageList) or
-                (self.app.GetParameterType(key) == otbApplication.ParameterType_InputFilenameList))
+            if self.__is_key_list(param) and not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+                self.parameters[param] = [obj]
+                obj = [obj]
+            try:
+                # This is when we actually call self.app.SetParameter*
+                self.__set_param(param, obj)
+            except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e:
+                raise Exception(f"{self.name}: something went wrong before execution "
+                                f"(while setting parameter {param} to '{obj}')") from e
+    # Private functions
+    @staticmethod
+    def __parse_args(args):
+        """Gather all input arguments in kwargs dict"""
+        kwargs = {}
+        for arg in args:
+            if isinstance(arg, dict):
+                kwargs.update(arg)
+            elif isinstance(arg, (str, App, Output, Input, Operation, Slicer)):
+                kwargs.update({'in': arg})
+            elif isinstance(arg, list):
+                kwargs.update({'il': arg})
+        return kwargs
+    def __set_param(self, param, obj):
+        """Decide which otb.Application method to use depending on target object"""
+        # Single-parameter cases
+        if isinstance(obj, App):
+            self.app.ConnectImage(param, obj.app, obj.output_parameters_keys[0])
+        elif isinstance(obj, (Output, Input, Operation)):
+            self.app.ConnectImage(param, obj.app, obj.output_parameter_key)
+        elif isinstance(obj, otb.Application):  # this is for backward comp with plain OTB
+            outparamkey = [param for param in obj.GetParametersKeys()
+                            if obj.GetParameterType(param) == otb.ParameterType_OutputImage][0]
+            self.app.ConnectImage(param, obj, outparamkey)
+        elif param == 'ram':  # SetParameterValue in OTB<7.4 doesn't work for ram parameter cf gitlab OTB issue 2200
+            self.app.SetParameterInt('ram', int(obj))
+        elif not isinstance(obj, list):  # any other parameters (str, int...)
+            self.app.SetParameterValue(param, obj)
+        ### Parameter list cases
+        # Images list
+        elif self.__is_key_images_list(param):
+            # To enable possible in-memory connections, we go through the list and set the parameters one by one
+            for input in obj:
+                if isinstance(input, App):
+                    self.app.ConnectImage(param, input.app, input.output_parameters_keys[0])
+                elif isinstance(input, (Output, Input, Operation, Slicer)):
+                    self.app.ConnectImage(param, input.app, input.output_parameter_key)
+                elif isinstance(input, otb.Application):  # this is for backward comp with plain OTB
+                    outparamkey = [param for param in input.GetParametersKeys() if
+                                    input.GetParameterType(param) == otb.ParameterType_OutputImage][0]
+                    self.app.ConnectImage(param, input, outparamkey)
+                else:  # here `input` should be an image filepath
+                    # Append `input` to the list, do not overwrite any previously set element of the image list
+                    self.app.AddParameterStringList(param, input)
+        # List of any other types (str, int...)
+        else:
+            self.app.SetParameterValue(param, obj)
+    def __with_output(self):
+        """Check if App has any output parameter key"""
+        return any([k in self.parameters for k in self.output_parameters_keys])
+    def __is_key_list(self, key):
+        """Check if a key of the App is an input parameter list"""
+        return self.app.GetParameterType(key) in (
+            otb.ParameterType_InputImageList,
+            otb.ParameterType_StringList,
+            otb.ParameterType_InputFilenameList,
+            otb.ParameterType_InputVectorDataList,
+            otb.ParameterType_ListView
+        )
+    def __is_key_images_list(self, key):
+        """Check if a key of the App is an input parameter image list"""
+        return self.app.GetParameterType(key) in (
+            otb.ParameterType_InputImageList,
+            otb.ParameterType_InputFilenameList
+        )
+    # Special methods
     def __str__(self):
-        return '<pyotb.App {} object id {}>'.format(self.appname, id(self))
+        return f'<pyotb.App {self.appname} object id {id(self)}>'
 class Operation(otbObject):
@@ -587,7 +681,7 @@ class Operation(otbObject):
         self.inputs = []
         self.nb_channels = {}
-        print(operator, inputs)
+        logger.debug(f"{operator}, {inputs}")
         if operator == '?' and nb_bands:  # this is when we use the ternary operator with `pyotb.where` function
             nb_bands = nb_bands
@@ -704,10 +798,8 @@ class Operation(otbObject):
     def __str__(self):
         if self.input2 is not None:
-            return '<pyotb.Operation object, {} {} {}, id {}>'.format(str(self.input1), self.operator, str(self.input2),
-                                                                      id(self))
-        else:
-            return '<pyotb.Operation object, {} {}, id {}>'.format(self.operator, str(self.input1), id(self))
+            return f'<pyotb.Operation object, {self.input1} {self.operator} {self.input2}, id {id(self)}>'
+        return f'<pyotb.Operation object, {self.operator} {self.input1}, id {id(self)}>'
 class logicalOperation(Operation):
@@ -718,7 +810,7 @@ class logicalOperation(Operation):
     def __init__(self, operator, *inputs, nb_bands=None):
-        super().__init__(operator, *inputs)
+        super().__init__(operator, *inputs, nb_bands=nb_bands)
         self.logical_exp_bands, self.logical_exp = self.get_real_exp(self.logical_fake_exp_bands)
@@ -766,23 +858,19 @@ def get_nbchannels(inp):
     Get the nb of bands of input image
     :param inp: a str
+    :return: number of bands in image
     if isinstance(inp, otbObject):
         nb_channels = inp.shape[-1]
         # Executing the app, without printing its log
-        stdout = sys.stdout
-        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
-            info = App("ReadImageInfo", inp)
-            sys.stdout = stdout
+            info = App("ReadImageInfo", inp, otb_stdout=False)
             nb_channels = info.GetParameterInt("numberbands")
-        except Exception as e:
-            sys.stdout = stdout
-            logger.error('Not a valid image : {}'.format(inp))
-            logger.error(e)
+        except (RuntimeError, TypeError) as e:
+            logger.error(f'Not a valid image : {inp}')
+            logger.error(f'{e}')
             nb_channels = None
-        sys.stdout = stdout
     return nb_channels
@@ -795,16 +883,15 @@ def get_pixel_type(inp):
     if isinstance(inp, str):
         # Executing the app, without printing its log
-        stdout = sys.stdout
-        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
-        info = App("ReadImageInfo", inp)
-        sys.stdout = stdout
+        info = App("ReadImageInfo", inp, otb_stdout=False)
         datatype = info.GetParameterInt("datatype")  # which is such as short, float...
-        dataype_to_pixeltype = {'unsigned_char': 'uint8', 'short': 'int16', 'unsigned_short': 'uint16', 'int': 'int32',
-                                'unsigned_int': 'uint32', 'long': 'int32', 'ulong': 'uint32', 'float': 'float',
-                                'double': 'double'}
+        dataype_to_pixeltype = {
+            'unsigned_char': 'uint8', 'short': 'int16', 'unsigned_short': 'uint16', 
+            'int': 'int32', 'unsigned_int': 'uint32', 'long': 'int32', 'ulong': 'uint32', 
+            'float': 'float','double': 'double'
+        }
         pixel_type = dataype_to_pixeltype[datatype]
-        pixel_type = getattr(otbApplication, 'ImagePixelType_{}'.format(pixel_type))
+        pixel_type = getattr(otb, f'ImagePixelType_{pixel_type}')
     elif isinstance(inp, (Input, Output, Operation)):
         pixel_type = inp.GetImageBasePixelType(inp.output_parameter_key)
     elif isinstance(inp, App):
diff --git a/pyotb/functions.py b/pyotb/functions.py
index 435674ab1c1a2b641f8aa8b55ff22326c26fc642..6ad8bf224382d4c504bf372e80686f362435cad6 100644
--- a/pyotb/functions.py
+++ b/pyotb/functions.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import os
 import uuid
+import logging
 import multiprocessing
 from collections import Counter
-from pyotb.core import (App, Input, Operation, logicalOperation, get_nbchannels, logger)
+from .core import (App, Input, Operation, logicalOperation, get_nbchannels)
+logger = logging.getLogger()
 Contains several useful functions base on pyotb
@@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ def where(cond, x, y):
     if x_nb_channels and y_nb_channels:
         if x_nb_channels != y_nb_channels:
-            raise Exception('X and Y images do not have the same number of bands. '
-                            'X has {} bands whereas Y has {} bands'.format(x_nb_channels, y_nb_channels))
+            raise Exception('X and Y images do not have the same number of bands. ' +
+                            f'X has {x_nb_channels} bands whereas Y has {y_nb_channels} bands')
     x_or_y_nb_channels = x_nb_channels if x_nb_channels else y_nb_channels
     cond_nb_channels = get_nbchannels(cond)
@@ -44,13 +46,13 @@ def where(cond, x, y):
         out_nb_channels = cond_nb_channels
     if cond_nb_channels != 1 and x_or_y_nb_channels and cond_nb_channels != x_or_y_nb_channels:
-        raise Exception('Condition and X&Y do not have the same number of bands. Condition has '
-                        '{} bands whereas X&Y have {} bands'.format(cond_nb_channels, x_or_y_nb_channels))
+        raise Exception(f'Condition and X&Y do not have the same number of bands. Condition has '
+                        '{cond_nb_channels} bands whereas X&Y have {x_or_y_nb_channels} bands')
     # If needed, duplicate the single band binary mask to multiband to match the dimensions of x & y
     if cond_nb_channels == 1 and x_or_y_nb_channels and x_or_y_nb_channels != 1:
-        logger.info('The condition has one channel whereas X/Y has/have {} channels. Expanding number of channels '
-                    'of condition to match the number of channels or X/Y'.format(x_or_y_nb_channels))
+        logger.info(f'The condition has one channel whereas X/Y has/have {x_or_y_nb_channels} channels. Expanding number of channels '
+                    'of condition to match the number of channels or X/Y')
     operation = Operation('?', cond, x, y, nb_bands=out_nb_channels)
@@ -233,8 +235,7 @@ def define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='m
             # TODO : it is when the user wants the final bounding box to be the union of all bounding box
             #  It should replace any 'outside' pixel by some NoData -> add `fillvalue` argument in the function
-        logger.info(
-            'Cropping all images to extent Upper Left ({}, {}), Lower Right ({}, {}) '.format(ULX, ULY, LRX, LRY))
+        logger.info(f'Cropping all images to extent Upper Left ({ULX}, {ULY}), Lower Right ({LRX}, {LRY})')
         # Applying this bounding box to all inputs
         new_inputs = []
@@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ def define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='m
                     reference_pixel_size_input = new_input
             except Exception as e:
-                logger.error('Images may not intersect : {}'.format(input))
+                logger.error(f'Images may not intersect : {input}')
                 # TODO: what should we do then? return an empty raster ? fail ? return None ?
         inputs = new_inputs
@@ -277,13 +278,13 @@ def define_processing_area(*args, window_rule='intersection', pixel_size_rule='m
         elif pixel_size_rule == 'specify':
             # TODO : when the user explicitely specify the pixel size -> add argument inside the function
-        logger.info('Resampling all inputs to resolution : {}'.format(metadatas[reference_input]['GeoTransform'][1]))
+        pixel_size = metadatas[reference_input]['GeoTransform'][1]
+        logger.info(f'Resampling all inputs to resolution : {pixel_size}')
         # Perform resampling on inputs that do not comply with the target pixel size
         new_inputs = []
         for input in inputs:
-            if metadatas[input]['GeoTransform'][1] != metadatas[reference_input]['GeoTransform'][1]:
+            if metadatas[input]['GeoTransform'][1] != pixel_size:
                 superimposed = App('Superimpose', inr=reference_input, inm=input, interpolator=interpolator)
@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ def run_tf_function(func):
         # Create and save the model. This is executed **inside an independent process** because (as of 2021-11),
         # tensorflow python library and OTBTF are incompatible
-        out_savedmodel = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp_otbtf_model_{}'.format(uuid.uuid4()))
+        out_savedmodel = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f'tmp_otbtf_model_{uuid.uuid4()}')
         p = multiprocessing.Process(target=create_and_save_tf_model, args=(out_savedmodel, *inputs,))
@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@ def run_tf_function(func):
                            'optim.disabletiling': 'on', 'model.fullyconv': 'on'}, execute=False)
         for i, input in enumerate(raster_inputs):
-            model_serve.set_parameters({'source{}.il'.format(i + 1): [input]})
+            model_serve.set_parameters({f'source{i + 1}.il': [input]})
         # TODO: handle the deletion of the temporary model ?
diff --git a/pyotb/tools.py b/pyotb/tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e82f850a8671c57fec769aa932d79a1ca8bb0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyotb/tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+from pathlib import Path
+# This will prevent erasing user config
+if "logger" not in globals():
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        format="%(asctime)s (%(levelname)-4s) [pyOTB] %(message)s",
+        level=logging.INFO,
+        datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+    )
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+def find_otb(root="", scan=True, scan_userdir=True):
+    """
+    Try to load OTB bindings or scan system, help user in case of failure, return env variables
+    Precedence :                                    OTB_ROOT > python bindings directory
+        OR search for releases installations    :    current directory > home directory
+        OR (for linux)                          :    /opt/otbtf > /opt/otb > /usr/local > /usr
+    :param root: prefix to search OTB in
+    :param scan: find otb in system known locations
+    :param scan_userdir: search for OTB release in user's home directory
+    :return:   (OTB_ROOT, OTB_APPLICATIONS_PATH) environment variables
+    """
+    # OTB_ROOT env variable is first (allow override default OTB version)
+    prefix = root or os.environ.get("OTB_ROOT") or os.environ.get("OTB_DIR")
+    if prefix:
+        logger.info(f"Found OTB Python API in {prefix}")
+        # Add path first in PYTHONPATH
+        otb_api = get_python_api(prefix)
+        sys.path.insert(0, str(otb_api))
+        if "otb" not in globals():
+            try:
+                import otbApplication
+                lib_dir = get_lib(otbApplication)
+                apps_path = get_apps_path(lib_dir)
+                prefix = lib_dir.parent
+                if prefix.name == 'lib':
+                    prefix = prefix.parent
+                return str(prefix), str(apps_path)
+            except ImportError:
+                logging.critical(f"Can't import OTB with OTB_ROOT={prefix}")
+                return None, None
+        else:
+            logger.warning("Can't reset otb module with new path. You need to restart Python")
+    # Else try with python file location
+    try:
+        import otbApplication
+        lib_dir = get_lib(otbApplication)
+        apps_path = get_apps_path(lib_dir)
+        logger.debug("Found OTB directory using Python lib location")
+        return str(lib_dir.parent), str(apps_path)
+    # Else search system
+    except ImportError:
+        PYTHONPATH = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
+        logger.info(f"Failed to import otbApplication with PYTHONPATH={PYTHONPATH}")
+        if not scan:
+            return None, None
+        logger.info("Searching for it...")
+        lib_dir = None
+        # Scan user's HOME directory tree (this may take some time)
+        if scan_userdir :
+            for path in Path().home().glob("**/OTB-*/lib"):
+                logger.info(f"Found {path.parent}")
+                lib_dir = path
+                prefix = str(path.parent.absolute())
+        # Or search possible known locations (system scpecific)
+        if sys.platform == "linux":
+            possible_locations = (
+                "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/otb", "/usr/local/lib/otb/",
+                "/opt/otb/lib/otb/", "/opt/otbtf/lib/otb",
+            )
+            for str_path in possible_locations:
+                path = Path(str_path)
+                if not path.exists():
+                    continue
+                logger.info(f"Found " + str_path)
+                if not prefix:
+                    if path.parent.name == "x86_64-linux-gnu":
+                        prefix = path.parent.parent.parent
+                    else:
+                        prefix = path.parent.parent
+                    prefix = str(prefix.absolute())
+                    lib_dir = path.parent.absolute()
+        else:
+            # TODO: find OTB path in other OS ? pathlib should help
+            pass
+        # Found OTB
+        if prefix and lib_dir is not None:
+            otb_api = get_python_api(prefix)
+            if otb_api is None or not otb_api.exists():
+                logger.error("Can't find OTB python API")
+                return None, None
+            # Try to import one last time before sys.exit (in apps.py)
+            try:
+                sys.path.insert(0, str(otb_api))
+                import otbApplication as otb
+                logger.info(f"Using OTB in {prefix}")
+                return prefix, get_apps_path(lib_dir)
+            except ModuleNotFoundError:
+                logger.critical(f"Unable to find OTB Python bindings", exc_info=1)
+                return None, None
+            except ImportError as e:
+                logger.critical(f"An error occured while importing Python API")
+                if str(e).startswith('libpython3.'):
+                    logger.critical("It seems like you need to symlink or recompile OTB SWIG bindings")
+                    if sys.platform == "linux":
+                        logger.critical(f"Use 'cd {prefix} ; source otbenv.profile ; ctest -S share/otb/swig/build_wrapping.cmake -VV'")
+                        return None, None
+                logger.critical("full traceback", exc_info=1)
+    return None, None
+def get_python_api(prefix):
+    root = Path(prefix)
+    if root.exists():
+        otb_api = root / "lib/python"
+        if not otb_api.exists():
+            otb_api = root / "lib/otb/python"
+        if not otb_api.exists():
+            return
+        return otb_api.absolute()
+def get_lib(otb_module):
+    lib_dir = Path(otb_module.__file__).parent.parent
+    # OTB .run file
+    if lib_dir.name == "lib":
+        return lib_dir.absolute()
+    # Case /usr
+    lib_dir = lib_dir.parent
+    if lib_dir.name in ("lib", "x86_64-linux-gnu"):
+        return lib_dir.absolute()
+    # Case built from source (/usr/local, /opt/otb, ...)
+    lib_dir = lib_dir.parent
+    return lib_dir.absolute()
+def get_apps_path(lib_dir):
+    if isinstance(lib_dir, Path) and lib_dir.exists():
+        logger.debug(f"Using library from {lib_dir}")
+        otb_application_path = lib_dir / "otb/applications"
+        if otb_application_path.exists():
+            return str(otb_application_path.absolute())
+        # This should not happen, may be with failed builds ?
+        logger.debug(f"Library directory found but no 'applications' directory whithin it")
+        return ""
+def set_gdal_vars(root):
+    if (Path(root) / "share/gdal").exists():
+        # Local GDAL (OTB Superbuild, .run, .exe)
+        gdal_data = str(Path(root + "/share/gdal"))
+        proj_lib = str(Path(root + "/share/proj"))
+    elif sys.platform == "linux":
+        # If installed using apt or built from source with system deps
+        gdal_data = "/usr/share/gdal"
+        proj_lib = "/usr/share/proj"
+    else:
+        logger.warning(f"Can't find GDAL directory with prefix {root}")
+        return False
+    # Not sure if SWIG will see these
+    os.environ["LC_NUMERIC"] = "C"
+    os.environ["GDAL_DATA"] = gdal_data
+    os.environ["PROJ_LIB"] = proj_lib
+    return True
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 374b58cbf4636f1e28bacf987ac2fe89ed27ccba..ddb1465f3a361addd19954bd24367980b66ec754 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 requires = [
-    "wheel"
+    "wheel",
+    "numpy>=1.13,<1.23"
 build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
diff --git a/scripts/replace_fstrings.py b/scripts/replace_fstrings.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3568507f5740b5d67989f70c36691fa5308a309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/replace_fstrings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+import sys
+assert sys.version_info.minor >= 6
+def replace_fstrings(py_file, out_file):
+    """
+    Replace fstrings with .format() method
+    :param py_file: path for input python file to convert
+    :param out_file: converted file output path
+    """
+    def replace(line):
+        exp = re.compile(r"""(.*[\s\(\[{=])f(['"])(.*)(['"])(.*)\n""")
+        res = re.match(exp, line)
+        if not res:
+            return line
+        prefix, qt1, string, qt2, suffix = res.groups()
+        args = []
+        for part in string.split('{')[1:]:
+            a = part.split('}')[0]
+            string = string.replace(a, '')
+            args.append(a)
+        return f"""{prefix}{qt1}{string}{qt2}.format({', '.join(args)}){suffix}\n"""
+    with open(py_file, 'r') as r:
+        lines = list(map(replace, r.readlines()))
+    with open(out_file, 'w') as w:
+        for li in lines:
+            w.write(li)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    replace_fstrings(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f320aaff32e3a14c04a6642189d23451e81f81b2..89e949576a620bd0307a8237373571db0566ac03 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import setuptools
 with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
@@ -5,7 +6,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
-    version="1.0.2",
+    version="1.1",
     author="Nicolas Narçon",
     description="Library to enable easy use of the Orfeo Tool Box (OTB) in Python",